My Gaba Rice Adventures

The following is being provided for information purposes – ONLY.

Germinated GABA (Gamma AminoButyric Acid) rice is rice germinated from whole grain rice containing more nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and aroma from the husks (which is why germinated GABA rice has more nutrients than germinated brown rice).
It is also more nutritional than other kinds of grains; helps maintain balanced health, increases immunity, prevents germs or non-infectious diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high fat and cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, aging disease, reduces sleeplessness, nephropathy, neurological and brain diseases, Alzheimers and Parkinson dieases, and various types of cancer caused by consuming inappropriately or food containing toxin substances such as pesticide, herbicide, chemical fertilizers, plant growth substances, preservative, synthetic substances, air pollution, and stress.
Red Jasmine Rice is renowned for being especially good for those who are suffering from or are concerned about diabetes. Research shown that after Red Jasmine Rice is cooked and consumed, the increase in the level of glucose in the blood increased slowly in the first 20 minutes (10.60 g/100g). And after the rice was digested for 120 minutes, the level of glucose dropped down to only 8.59 g per 100 g.

▪️ It has 15 times more GABA than brown rice, which helps maintain balance in the central nervous system and the brain, relax the brain, reduce anxiety, provides good sleep, relax the muscles, prevents Alzheimer, slows down aging, increases enzyme activity, detoxifies, controls blood sugar and plasma cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, maintains healthy blood flow, stimulates excretion of bile to the intestines to break down fat, prevents colon cancer, and stimulates endorphin.

▪️ It has good proteins which help renew tissue, and contains no gluten which may be allergic.

▪️ It has 15-20 times dietary fiber higher than white rice, which helps slow down digestion and therefore release glucose slowly into the bloodstream. This is why you can feel that the meals last longer. It also helps you lose weight loss, prevent and treat diabetes very well, excrete conveniently, draw fat and toxins out of your body, prevent colon cancer.

▪️ It has several types of important and helpful fat such as oryzanol, tocopherol, tochotrienol, phytosterol, essential fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid, and omega 3 (which cannot be found in other plants), etc. These helps reduce fat in blood and blood vessels, LDL (low density lipoprotein),
and increase HDL (high density lipoprotein), prevent heart disease, provides antiproliferative effect to tumor cells, damage breast cancer cells, contains antioxidant which is six times more effective than vitamin E, prevent blemish, reduce hot flash symptoms caused by menopause.

▪️ It has highly effective antioxidant which fights free radicals, the causes of all kinds of cancer, helps prevent viruses and bacteria, heart disease, nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, aging disease, etc.

▪️ It has all types of essential vitamins, which helps
the body organs to function without problems, hence a good health, such as:
▪︎Vitamin B1 4 times more than white rice, helping
preventing beriberi
▪︎Vitamin B2 1 time more than white rice, helping
eliminating LDL cholesterol, preventing canker
▪︎Vitamin B3 5 times more than white rice, helping
maintaining healthy alimentary canal system, no flatulence, feeling nauseated, vomiting, hematochezia, preventing depression
▪︎Vitamin B6 helping producing antioxidant and
amino acid
▪︎Vitamin D strengthening bones and teeth; this
kind of vitamin can be found in rice and sunlight only
▪︎Folic acid 5 times more than rice, helping
producing DNA RNA in red hemoglobin for cell reproduction, enhancing reproductive system, preventing cerebral palsy during pregnancy
▪︎High vitamin E which helping sending oxygen to
bloodstream, slowing down cell aging process, brightening and firming skin, preventing calcium from building up in the blood vessel walls which can result in less flexible and fragile blood vessel especially cerebral vessel
• It contains all essential minerals, which helps body organs to function well, such as iron, calcium, zinc,
potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iodine, selenium, cobalt, etc.