Covid19 Recovered

#covid19 #corona
This is a video of a Covid19 Recovered patient. A lot of people are scared about this pandemic, now is the time to create hope, and spread positivity and show people what we are capable of fighting this pandemic together.

I urge to people who have recovered from Corona (Covid19) to make videos and share it among people this is one of the ways to fight the fears inside people.

Me being a Psychologist and a Wellness Coach, keep getting lots of enquiries so thought let me pass on this message to the people who I know or who follow me.

Share these videos to as many people as you can so that someone somewhere can get the benefit of this and be healthy.

For more details about me:
You can contact me on WhatsApp number: +91-9036200786

After seeing patients for nearly a decade now, and when I see how they are getting better I can say that we can be healthy without any disease through :

1. Psychology
2. Lifestyle &
3. Food

For online healing fill-up the form:

Stay tuned to my articles more to come…

Istagram: @acutouchcure
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