Peri-workout Vitamin C

👉Vitamin C: 250-1000 milligrams a day. (1-4 gr if tolerated during high stress/higher risk of infection). Be careful to slowly increase the dose upwards of one gram as some people get stomach discomfort at that dosage.⁣
Humans unfortunately don’t create their own vitamin C. In comparison with goats who create 200 mg/kg per day. Taking smaller doses throughout the day and in a highly absorbable form such as liposomal Vitamin C will have a much better effect without the body removing too much Vitamin C unused. ⁣

Is involved in a host of bodily functions including collagen synthesis. If you don’t get enough throughout the day or there is a strain on the immune function (such as an infection) it will prioritise immune function and your skin will age faster.⁣⁣
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