9 Tips To Boost Your Immune System – How To Fight Viruses !!

9 Tips To Boost Your Immune System from virus .
The immune system is one of the most important organs of the human body, which protects it from diseases, viruses, and various microbes, especially in the winter,

Laugh: Laughing is great for you. It causes the level of stress hormones in your body to drop while encouraging the production of feel-good hormones like endorphins. And just the anticipation of experiencing something humorous has a very positive effect on your immune system. So turn off World War Z and watch Schitt’s Creek or your favorite comedy.

Avoid stress: We’re all faced with a certain amount of stress in our lives, especially now. A small amount of stress is actually good for our health. However, excessive, chronic stress has a very negative impact on immune system health, and you become much more likely to develop a variety of illnesses. So turn off the news, listen to music, read a good book.

Eat healthy foods: that contain vitamins and nutrients such as: selenium, magnesium and others, where they help deliver blood and oxygen to all parts of the body.

Avoid simple sugars as much as possible: Studies have shown that those who eat sweet foods in large quantities are more likely to have different diseases, because of the potential for growth of microbes and viruses in the blood.

Get sufficient sleep: Most adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep to maintain good health, restores and heals the body – without enough of it, increases inflammation in the body, which inhibits your immune system’s response to bacteria and viruses.

Exercise regularly: Moderate exercise of only 30 minutes a day increases several key components of your immune system. Avoid overexertion, such as training for endurance events, when you feel run-down. Pushing yourself too hard will lower your immune defenses.

avoid smoking: Quitting smoking improves circulation, increases oxygen levels, and lowers inflammation — all of which give your immune system a boost, so it’s easier to fight off colds and other illnesses.

Take care of personal hygiene: by washing the body daily with soap and water to get rid of the various germs and microbes that afflict it, especially in the winter.

Sun exposure: Sunlight stimulates vitamin D in the skin, and has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, To ensure that the body gets enough sunlight, it is advised to expose it to a period of 10-15 minutes on summer days.

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