How to Boost Your Immunity Against Infection

– As we get older, our immune system becomes gradually weaker. But there is a lot we can do to make sure we keep our immunity in peak condition.
We’re probably all aware by now of the connection between our health and our immune system, so the usual advice applies here. Healthy food. lots of fluids, enough sleep, plenty of exercise, no smoking, avoid stress and minimize alcohol. It doesn’t sound like much fun!

If you think you’ll never be able to do all this, just take it one step at a time. Add 1 vegetable to your dinner plate, cut out 1 sugary food, or just go for a 5 minute walk. Do this gradually and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!

There are a couple of vitamins I always recommend for immune health. Vitamin C is not produced in our bodies, so we need to get it from our food or as a supplement. Vitamin D has an anti-viral effect. We can get this through as little as 15 minutes of sun exposure, or we can take a supplement. Make sure to look for D3 and not the artificially produced D2.

The reason we may need to supplement is, when we get older, our bodies absorb less nutrients from food. Both vitamins C and D are safe to take and will give our immunity a boost against, not just viruses, but a whole range of diseases.

Nest week we’ll be looking at the best exercise for us oldies, and the reason why it’s so beneficial. Talk to you then 🙂
Wendy is a holistic health therapist, author and coach who has spent most of her adult life researching natural health and finding natural ways to heal all types of disease, from the annoying to the serious. Her primary interest is the immune system; how it works, why it’s important, how to support it and even what causes it to go crazy occasionally.

Wendy has a diploma in Holistic Health from an Australian college of natural medicine. She does not have formal medical training. Therefore she advises everyone to seek the advice of their doctor, before trying any natural treatments or natural therapies.

A firm advocate of the connection between body and mind, Wendy believes that having a healthy and happy mindset is extremely important. She believes stress is the enemy of health, and simply relieving the body of stress, both conscious and unconscious, is the path to health and happiness.

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Wendy’s book “Aging Reversed” is on Amazon here –

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