Freedom from Prednisone – How to Recover once you stop taking it

Happy Independence Day! Today we will discuss freedom from prednisone. How to recover once you are finally free! What to focus on to recover completely. What to watch out for. Preventing prednisone withdrawal.

I’m grateful that on this day the United States declared independence.

Taking Prednisone is like being those thirteen colonies, shackled to the tyranny of a capricious leader. You don’t feel like you’re fully in control, fully independent of this lifesaving yet miserable drug.

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Happy 4th of July!

* ☑ Are You Making the Top 7 Prednisone Mistakes? Get Your Prednisone Checklist:

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* Originally broadcast Live on the Facebook Prednisone Warriors with Dr. Megan Page:

* Dr. Megan’s Website:

💊 Nutranize Dietary Supplement Website:
* Nutranize Facebook Page:

* 📷 Instagram: @prednisonepharmacist

* 📅 Need Personal Help? Schedule a 1:1 Prednisone Consultation with Dr. Megan:

* ☑ Are You Making the Top 7 Prednisone Mistakes? Get Your Prednisone Checklist: