Fitness & Nutrition Q and A with Lee Hayward

LIVE Total Fitness Bodybuilding Q and A with Muscle Building, Fitness, and Fat Loss Coach Lee Hayward. If you’d like some help with building muscle, losing your gut, and getting back in shape. Join in for our live chat every FRIDAY afternoon at 4:00 pm EST

The YouTube Steam Cut Out At 37 Mins… There Was A Bad Network Connection.
But thankfully it still got recorded over on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Facebook Page at:

Here are the timestamps for all questions covered during our LIVE Chat…

03:07 – My experience after getting back to the gym for the first time since the COVID-19 lockdown and my plans and recommendations over the next month.

06:00 – My current exercise routine, which contains different exercise variations for different days, and its benefits.

Viewer Q & As:

09:40 – ​Is it okay to take Omega 3, Magnesium, and a Turmeric supplement?

11:44 – What supplements do you take and recommend?

16:29 – Eating healthy and working a night shift is hard. How can I eat healthy and lose belly fat while working overnights?

21:57 – I’ve neglected my calves, so I want to add them to my workouts, but I’m not sure if I should add a couple of calf exercises on squat or deadlift day or do a whole calf workout on a separate day. Any advice?
24:43 – I have been doing Rotator cuff warmups before chest, shoulder, and back days. I’m feeling like the rotator cuff is a bit overtrained. I’m using a 5kg dumbbell. Do you think I should do less?

26:41 – ​Have you ever done a kettlebell workout?

26:57 – What do you think about frequent warmups, 2 instead of 3 times a week?

27:26 – What do you think of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega?

29:11 – ​Is it true that working out after eating reduces the absorption of the nutrients?

31:35 – ​What would you suggest when working out alone to improve my bench press safely without going to failure?

34:20 – ​Can you explain to me how to set up my new push-pull-legs routine? I do a mix of exercises each time. How many exercises should I do each day, each workout, per muscle? I need volume and intensity.

36:36 – A while back you posted a video and you recommended a 6×6 method. I’ve been doing that lately, as since I have not had much time to work out and I really enjoy it.

The YouTube Steam Cut Out At 37 Mins… There Was A Bad Network Connection.
But thankfully it still got recorded over on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Facebook Page at:

40:44 – Do you think bodybuilding for 47-year-old is not advised for a guy lifting for 20 plus years?

44:05 – What’s your opinion on sugar from fructose?

45:57 – With intermittent fasting being the hot subject, are you skipping breakfast and starting eating from noon to 8pm?

49:09 – I need advice. My left hip has been bothering me. I have a goal to reach 400lbs squat before I turn 50. It feels like its slowing me down. How can I reach this without feeling the discomfort?

51:33 – What’s the best thing to lose? 5-7 Vanity pounds.

52:26 – What do you think of SARMs?

55:58 – If I lift heavy, will it affect my grappling?

57:26 – Do you have any idea what the name of this exercise is?
Attach a band to something at knee height.
Lie flat on the back.
Use feet as a hook.
Pull band back with the leg.
Resist against the band pulling back.

58:28 – What bodybuilding, fitness, and nutrition gurus do you follow?

#leehayward #fitover40 #bodybuildingtips