40 Best Belly-Shrinking Foods p1 | Health & Fitness Good

Your Stubborn Fat Will Be Flushed From Your Body – Your Belly Will Flatten!
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40 Best Belly-Shrinking Foods.
We’ve put together the top foods that burn belly fat so you can uncover that six-pack in no time.
It’s never too late to get your body back in shape—especially when your local supermarket has plenty of foods for weight loss that burn belly fat.
As you age, fat starts accumulating around your midsection, which is especially dangerous because it can be an indicator of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
To help you banish belly fat for good, we’ve compiled 40 best foods for weight loss that can shrink your gut.
1. Matcha Tea.
Green tea’s waist-whittling effects are hard to reckon with—until you’ve met matcha. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the potent belly-fat-melting catechin in the bright brew, is 137 times greater in concentration than the amount of EGCG available from green tea, a study in the Journal of Chromatography found. Is matcha not your match? Sneak the superfood powder into one of our best-ever weight loss smoothies.
2. Sprouted Bread.
When you’re trying to burn belly fat, bread can be your best friend or worst enemy—depending on which loaf you choose. Instead of reaching for nutrient-void white bread, opt for toast baked with sprouted grains. “Sprouted whole grains tend to have a different flavor profile, but there are a lot of health benefits associated with them because—depending on the grain—they can contain vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber, folate, and some additional amino acids,” says Jessica Crandall, a Denver-based RD, certified diabetes educator and national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 19 Best & Worst Store Bought Breads. Both fiber and vitamin C have been linked to weight loss, so start stacking your sandwiches smartly. Vegetables, like bell peppers and broccoli, are excellent sources of vitamin C and fiber.
3. Guacamole.
Swap your mayo and mustard for a dose of guac. Avocados are a potent fruit when it comes to fighting belly fat. They’re loaded with monounsaturated fats that keep you slim and satiated. A study in Nutrition Journal also found that participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch had less desire to snack or eat afterward. As one of our best foods that burn belly fat, we love sneaking avo into smoothies and baked goods.
4. Eggs.
Eggs are a healthy and quick breakfast and dinner option because they’re high in muscle-building protein and fat-burning choline. But you don’t want to throw away the yolks. About half of the egg’s protein is found in the sunny goodness. Plus, the yolk just happens to be the top dietary source of fat-burning choline. One study found that choline supplementation reduced BMI as well as levels of the hunger hormone leptin, adding that the nutrient breaks fat down for use as an energy source. Get crackin’!

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