How to get Vitamin C? + Best foods for Vitamin C?

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Today we will give an answer to this questions:
How to get Vitamin C? Best foods for Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that must be obtained from the diet or supplements.
It has been linked to many impressive health benefits, such as boosting antioxidant levels, lowering blood pressure, protecting against gout attacks, improving iron absorption, boosting immunity, and reducing heart disease and dementia risk.

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C for adults is:

90 milligrams (mg) for males
75 mg for females
85 mg when pregnant
120 mg when breastfeeding
How to get Vitamin C? Best foods for Vitamin C?
1-Guava Vitamin C per 100g: 228mg
2-Kiwifruit Vitamin C per 100g: 93mg
3-Bell Peppers Vitamin C per 100g: 128mg
4- Strawberry Vitamin C per 100g: 59mg
5-Orange Vitamin C per 100g: 53mg
6- Papaya Vitamin C per 100g: 61mg
7-Broccoli Vitamin C per 100g: 89mg
8- Tomato Vitamin C per 100g: 23mg
9- Snow peas Vitamin C per 100g: 60mg
10- Kale Vitamin C per 100g: 18mg
In our video today, we looked at 10 foods with the highest vitamin C content.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It protects the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Free radicals can cause changes in cells and DNA that can lead to illnesses, including cancer.
To get the most vitamin C, eat a variety of raw fruits and vegetables every day.

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More information about Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for the maintenance of skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, and wound healing.

Protect cells against oxidative stress, which in turn provides protection against certain diseases, including cancer.
Vitamin C, like zinc and vitamin A, also helps boost your immune system.

Sometimes called ascorbic acid, it supports your immune system and helps your body use the iron you get from food. Your body also uses it to make collagen, a springy type of connective tissue that makes up parts of your body and helps heal wounds. And it’s an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from damage. Men need 90 milligrams per day, and women need 75 milligrams. A medium orange has about 70 milligrams, but many other foods are good sources, too.
Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients, experts say. It may not be the cure for the common cold (though it’s thought to help prevent more serious complications). But the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling.

In relation to exercise, where oxidative stress and free radicals are prevalent due to the intense nature of it and its effect on the body, exercise-induced oxidative stress is highest for people with lower vitamin C levels. We can then surmise that if you are currently training and engaging in intense daily workouts that you should supplement with vitamin C to prevent the deleterious effects of free radicals.

Vitamin C boosts your immune system
We’ve already heard of how vitamin C prevents curable diseases such as scurvy and how it combats a variety of diseases. As a result, it boosts your immunity and has been found to stave off illnesses such as colds and flu.

Studies show that vitamin C is essential to stimulate the immune system by increasing the strength and protection of the organism. Due to its role in reducing inflammation, it is essentially for immunity and general health.

Finally, vitamin C protects the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps to fight off infections. If you want to stay fit and healthy then adding more vitamin C to your diet should be a priority.

Vitamin C increases your iron absorption

Vitamin C-rich fruits such as goose berry has been reported to increase the bioavailability of iron from staple cereals and pulses. We know that iron’s main role is to increase the body’s ability to carry oxygen through the blood and deficiency can result in anaemia.

Vitamin C helps maintain healthy skin and hair
If you want clearer skin and stronger hair then vitamin C plays a major role in making sure this becomes a reality. Vitamin C helps build the protein collagen and coupled with the aforementioned absorption of iron you’ll not only have healthier skin and hair but you’ll maintain it.

Today, collagen is a bit of a buzzword but rather avoid supplementation and consume collagen-rich foods such as berries and foods high in omega-3 such as avocados and salmon.

Vitamin C assists with weight loss

Studies have shown that vitamin C status is inversely related to body mass

Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin C, How to get vitamin C, best sources for vitamin C, High Vitamin C Foods, High vitamin C sources, Vitamin C foods, vitamin c zinc, snow peas vitamin c, help of vitamin C, vitamin C weight loss