Immunity Boosting Smoothie – Support Your Health Every Day

There’s never been a more important time to make sure we are all looking after our health then during the Covid 19 pandemic. Let me share my simple plan…

Avoid nutrient deficiencies and support your overall health with this special smoothie. This super simple recipe can be whipped up daily to make sure that everyone in your household is getting a boost of vitamins, nutrients and a delicious drink daily.

As a holistic nutritionist, feeding my family is a real passion of mine, not just super healthy nutritious foods, but foods they enjoy! So, make sure to make it delicious (not too much green powder to start) – we know that eating/drinking something delicious helps improve mood and compliance…:)

Immunity Boosting Smoothie Recipe:
(Makes 2 large or 6 little smoothies)

– 1 1/2 frozen banana
– 1 1/2 cups frozen berries
– 1 tablespoon wheatgrass powder, spirulina, or chlorella (*NOTE: Start with less and build up to this quantity)
– 2 tablespoons of something fermented, like plain high fat yogourt, kefir (My favourite fermented food: The Cultured Coconut)
– 2 tablespoons walnuts or other nuts if you have them
– 2 cups filtered water
– 2 tablespoons hydrolyzed collagen

Give it a whirl in a high speed blender.
If you can’t drink it immediately, keep it cold for up to 2 hours.

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Be sure to visit Michele’s website for calm-down tools and downloadable freebies.

Visit Glenda for mind/body support and recipes at:

Disclaimer: The content of this video is for information purposes and is in no way a substitute for professional medical care.