Best ways to increase Vitamin D levels? – Ms. Sushma Jaiswal

The best way to obtain Vitamin D from nature is to expose your body to sunlight. In India, the pollution levels are also too high. According to WHO reports, Indian cities are among the very polluted cities in the world. So in order not to expose our lungs to the polluted air, we have to take sunbath very early in the morning when the pollution settles down. So in the mooning it is relatively fresh air. So it is the best time to take sunbath or expose your body to the sun. St out in the balcony or take a walk in the open area with little bit of sunlight and little bit of shadow. This is one method, which I the easiest and least expensive. Sunlight can directly be absorbed in your body and can directly manufacture Vitamin D in the body. Another thing is take Vitamin D rich foods like milk and milk products, eggs, some fishes, liver. Fishes like salmon, mackerel, sardines etc which are rich in Vitamin D. fortification of food another process. It is more common in western countries and in India the technology has not yet come. So if we want to take Vitamin D supplements, it is another way. These supplements come in various ways like synthetic supplements which has a lot of chemical composition again is very harmful to your only because in order to prevent Vitamin D deficiency , you are taking some chemicals. Everyday our chemical consumption is around 3000 chemicals per day and then we are increasing the consumption again in some other way, there are some natural supplements, organic supplements and there are some supplements which are emulsion of 2 or 3 types of supplements. So you choose wisely which type of supplement is useful for you and take the call. So stay healthy.