Star Fruit – Carambola Health Benefits Of 15 | See What Happens | Fruit Booster | Daily Fitness


Energy 128 kj (31 kcal)
Carbohydrates 6.73 g
Dietary fibre 2.8 g
Protein 1.04 g
Vitamin C 34.4 mg
Vitamin E 0.15 mg
Iron 0.08 mg
Fat 0.33 g
Sugars 3.98 g
Zinc 0.12 mg
Calcium 3 mg
Vitamin B6 0.017 mg
Choline 7.6 mg
Potassium 133 mg

So if your local fruit shop flaunts a fresh batch of star fruit, don’t even think, just buy them! And spread the word – the humble start fruit is a winner all the way!
