10 Foods High in Vitamin A – 10 richest source of vitamin A || Gain Tips

Top 10 Richest sources of Vitamin A
foods rich in vitamin A
Top 10 Foods Rich in Vitamin A
Top 10 Super Fruits Rich In Vitamin A

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Vitamin A Is An Essential Fat-soluble Vitamin That Plays Numerous Vital Functions In The Body. Vitamin A Plays A Critical Role In Maintaining Healthy Eyes And Vision, Neurological Function, Healthy Skin And Reproductive Health, And Its Supports The Lungs, Liver, Kidneys And Digestive Organs. Here Are The Top 10 Best Vegetables That Are High In Vitamin A,
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that can be found in food in two forms; as retinal(animal based foods) or carotene(plant based foods). Vitamin A is important for growth, vision, and development. Vitamin A is also important for the maintenance of bones, immune function, and reproduction.

The most common concern with Vitamin A deficiency is blindness. Excess consumption on the other hand can lead to headaches, nausea, dry and cracked skin, and liver disease.

Vitamin A can be found in meat and dairy products and in yellow or orange fruits and green leafy vegetables. Research suggests that vitamin A in fruits and vegetables may not be absorbed like the vitamin A found in animal based foods.

In fact for every micro gram of retinal absorbed by the body only 4%-50% per micro gram of vitamin A is absorbed from carotene. To put in perspective you would have to eat over 4 lbs of carrots to obtain that same amount of vitamin A in 3 oz of beef liver.

The recommended amount of vitamin A to be consumed daily is 700 micro grams in women and 900 micro grams in men. The upper limits consumed daily should not exceed 3000 micro-grams for both men and women.

With vitamin A you may see IU(International Units) listed vs micro-grams. 1 IU is equivalent to .3mcg of retinal and approximately .6 mcg of beta-carotene.

If pregnant a women should not consume more than 10000 IU of vitamin A per day. Intake beyond 20,000IU is associated with fetal malformations.
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