CoronaVirus VLOG 29: Preparing for Infection – Building a Healthy Immune System

Preparing for Infection – Building a Healthy Immune System
In this video I will talk about how we need to prepare for infection and what we can do to get as as healthy as possible.
The Man in the Arena quote I was talking about:

– I am not a doctor
– Everyone is different and if you are making changes to your lifestyle, you should consult your family doctor
– I have no affiliation or sponsorship from any products I talk about in this video
– I always encourage correction or verification to what I say. You can do this in the comments below. Please do your own research.

1. Diet
Want to feed ourselves with food that not only doesn’t have a negative reaction like allergies or insulin spikes but also contributes to increasing overall health.
– Whole foods
– Vegetables: Carrots, potatoes, yams, onions, garlic
– Fruit: Apples, oranges, kiwi, bananas, avocados
– Fermented foods – Kimchi, sauerkraut, etc
– Water
– Shop the edge of the super market
– No wrapper foods

– Reduce sugar
– Fructose, sucrose, natural flavour
– Cant totally eliminate as fruit has natural sugars
– Slower release carbs like steel cut oats

– Reduce amount
– Simply stop putting stuff into your mouth
– Smaller servings
– Intermittent fasting
– combine with exercise

2. Supplements
Again, I am not saying supplements cure COVID-19 nor am I sponsored by any of these. I’m showing you what I have in my cabinet and what research is saying. I personally think these are worth looking at especially as our food supply provides less variety.
Please consult your doctor before taking these as it could interfere with any other medications you are taking.

Vitamin C
– Its antioxidant activity can decrease inflammation
– Helps to boost collagen production needed for healthy skin
– Promotes wound healing
– Boots the activity of immune cells that swallow harmful bacteria and other particles
– Promotes the growth and spread of immune cells that increases your circulating antibodies which are proteins that can attack foreign or harmful substances in your blood
– While it won’t stop you from catching a cold or virus, it does appear to help recovery

Vitamin E

Vitamin D (natural source – sunlight)

Vitamin B
Iron, zinc, selenium
Protein powder: can mix all your vitamins and supplements in this. Add fruits and vegtables. Instead of steak

3. Exercise
– Benefits:
– Makes the body more efficient in many ways
– Reduces weight which removes risk of diabetes and other diseases
– Makes you look good
– releases chemicals that make you feel good
– Reduces the chance of accidents which result in physical trauma
– Why we don’t exercise
– Body weight exercise
– Cardio
– Hacks
– Start very small and grow very slowly
– Track progress
– While cooking – drop and do push ups
– In the shower – do calf rises

4. Stop doing bad things
– Smoking
– Drinking
– Stress
– Not sleeping enough or having high quality sleep

Now Foods Quercetin with Bromelain:
NOW Supplements, Quercetin with Bromelain:
Doctor’s Best Quercetin Bromelain:
NOW Supplements, Quercetin with Bromelain: