What else can you do to FIGHT the CORONA VIRUS? Boost your immune system the Natural Way.

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Are you ready for the new normal? 2020 have drastically changed our lives. Wearing face masks, social distancing, and frequent washing of hands are among the top essential things in this trying times of pandemic. But most importantly, a strong immune system is the main key to combat the deadly virus. What is immune system and how can we boost it naturally? Read further to know more about boosting immune system naturally.

Our immune system acts as soldiers that defend our bodies against bacteria, infections, and viruses. Nine weeks after we are conceived, our immune system starts to be constantly on high alert for potential sickness. It is designed to recognize unwanted foreign invaders in our body. True enough, our immune system is really complex and intricate. However, the strength of your defense depends on your lifestyle and diet. Sometimes, if we fail to recharge our system, our immunity fails and results to sickness.

You wouldn’t want it to happen, would you?
The world today relies on synthetic Vitamin C and other supplements to boost immune system. These are truly helpful and widely available to markets. However, these artificially made supplements just imitate nutrients that our body needs. Thus, these may not be easily nor fully absorbed by our body. The excess synthetic nutrients will be filtered by our kidneys. So prolonged used of these vitamins and supplements will overwork our kidneys, which will later on lead to more serious health problems. So, how can we best boost our immune system, especially now in the time of pandemic? Here are some natural and proven safe ways to strengthen defense against COVID.

1. Watch your diet. It can always be easy and tempting to just eat from fast food. Ready to eat and ready to cook meals are everywhere! But eating this will merely give you energy but will not strengthen immunity. It is still best and safe to cook your food at home.
Get natural boost from natural souce of Vitamin C such as citrus fruits, tomato, broccoli and guava.
Go for greens. Include plenty of broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale, spinach and cauliflower in your diet. They are good source of fiber too!
Add color to your meals with brightly-colored produces like berries, apple, carrots and sweet potatoes.
These anti-oxidant rich foods are affordable and build strong body defense.

2. Sleep. Have plenty of sleep. Our body rejuvenates and repairs itself while we sleep. Sleep deprivation can lower our body’s ability to fight against diseases. Like what we all know, strive to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Your body will thank you later.

3. Move. Spend some time to stretch, walk, jog, ride a bike or even jump a rope. If you have time to spare, go to the gym. Exercise is proven to decrease levels of stress in our bodies. If you do it atleast 30 minutes a day, you’ll see a huge improvement not only on your shape but on your health.

4. Cut liquor and alcohol. Too much alcohol has potential risk for your liver. Heavy use of alcohol weakens immunity and limits our capacity to combat viruses. Excessive drinking will also lead to other health complications which will make us more vulnerable to disease.

5. Laugh. There are studies that prove that our outlook in life have direct relationship with our health. Your body defenses work better when you don’t stress too much. So laugh some more and stay positive, not on COVID-19 of course!

The strength of your immunity depends on you. These natural ways are proven to be effective for centuries already. So why not give these a try. If you know more natural ways to boost immune, share it with us. We’d love to read that on the comment section below.