Mindset isn’t a tablet, it’s a vitamin

Mindset isn’t a tablet, it’s a vitamin

A lot of the time people treat mindset work like a tablet – to be taken to alleviate symptoms when you’re not well. Then once you’re through the shaky patch, to be discontinued until you need it again.

Mindset is one of the five pillars of health, alongside sleep, nutrition, movement and relationships. And just like all the other aspects, it needs consistency above all else.

We all shy away from preventative work because the urgency isn’t there to solve any obvious problem. Then when problems come along we wished we’d prepared better for it.

Treat Mindset work like your vitamins – another part of your daily ritual to maintain and build your health. When you apply a little bit each day to improve your thinking and your mood you’ll have the necessary mental reserves to cope when life throws challenges at you.