Update on Covid-19, focus on the Shape of the Pandemic, Digital Innovation, and the UCSF Response

In this UCSF Medical Grand Rounds presentation (April 9, 2020), four UCSF experts describe the evolving shape of the pandemic, the San Francisco experience, and how digital innovation has influenced the UCSF approach. They also offer insights from the UCSF Covid-19 Command Center. The session is hosted by UCSF Department of Medicine chair Bob Wachter.

Bob Wachter: Introduction
3:24 – George Rutherford, Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics: The evolving shape of the pandemic, the SF experience, and the next phase
18:34 – Q&A
33:03 – Russ Cucina, Chief Health Information Officer and co-lead of the UCSF Covid-19 Command Center: Digital innovation at UCSF in response to Covid-19
46:41 – Panel Discussion on the UCSF Response, with 2 more UCSF experts:
Niraj Sehgal, Chief Quality Officer and co-lead of the UCSF Covid-19 Command Center
Maria Raven, Chief and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at UCSF Health
1:17:48 – Bob Wachter: Closing

See previous Covid-19 Medical Grand Rounds:
Epidemiology, Science, Clinical Aspects, and Therapy for Covid-19, Part 1

Epidemiology, Science, Clinical Aspects, and Therapy for Covid-19, Part 2

Impact on Covid-19 on Medical Education

UCSF Researchers Tackling Covid-19