Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Orange Peels | Pamila Malik

Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Orange Peels.
In this video, I have shown amazing benefits and use of orange peels.

If you have any question for your health, do ask me in the comments or via email.

We all know that oranges are good for our health, mainly because of the large amount of vitamin C in them. They are also full of vitamins A and B, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, soluble fiber, and other nutrients.
After enjoying this fruit, most of us throw away the peels. But when we do that, we’re missing out on all the health, beauty, and other uses that orange peels have.
There’s a lot of fruit acids and vitamin C just under the skin peels. The peels have even more phytonutrients and flavonoids than the inner pulp.
So, use the orange peel for its many health uses, just as you do the rest of the fruit.
#orangepeels #healthbenefits #pamilamalik