Blackberries Will Give You Energy During a Fast!

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Apostle Marcus


I enjoy taking frequent breaks during the day when I am performing my work designing fitness workout plans and researching Bible scriptures throughout the day. I start early in the morning, daily, and I find myself needing a break soon after I wake up. Today, I went on one of my breaks, and in a wooded area, I found blackberries. I ate them as i searched for them at first, but then I got a sudden rush of energy; I began collecting them to tell you about them. The energy that I got from the blackberries, boosted me after I fasted this morning…it was amazing and FREE, a much needed dose of energy.


1. They’re packed with vitamin C

Heal wounds; Regenerate the skin; Battle free radicals (molecules released by toxins) in the body;
improved absorption of iron; Shorten the common cold; Prevent scurvy

2. They’re high in fiber

Reduce cholesterol; Promote regular bowel movements; Control blood sugar levels by slowing the rate of sugar absorption; Lose weight by making you feel fuller longer; Provide fuel to nourish healthy gut bacteria

3. Great source of vitamin K

It helps your blood clot; Vitamin K also plays a role in bone metabolism.

4. High in manganese

It’s good for healthy bone development and a healthy immune system; It also helps your body metabolize carbs, amino acids, and cholesterol; Manganese plays a key role in the formation of collagen. The enzyme that helps manganese form collagen, prolidase, also helps wounds heal properly. Manganese may also help prevent osteoporosis, manage blood sugar levels, and reduce epileptic seizures.

5. May boost brain health

Blackberries may improve brain health and may help prevent memory loss caused by aging; They may also help reduce brain inflammation, which can lead to cognitive and motor issues commonly associated with aging.

6. Helps support oral health

Blackberrhies have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ability against some types of bacteria that cause oral disease. Blackberry extract may help prevent and control gum disease and cavities.