How to strengthen your immune system and show up for yourself | COVID-19 & beyond | Coaching


Nutrition. Boundaries. Immunity. The buzz words of today.


The question of the day is how do you occur for yourself? How do you create your day? How do you create yourself for you…to stay healthy, to stay confident, to stay mentally robust, to keep learning and not get caught in someone’s dogma, to create boundaries to fortify your life and your future?

This week with my coach, I had some powerful insights and was pushed to some new limits with writing my history and looking at struggles and successes. And making meaning from them. And to keep pushing myself to the edge and going beyond.

He made me realize that I am the only one in charge of my life. That I own all of it. Every single thing. I knew that… but had tucked it away.

The world – despite its current health crisis – is a safe place and a place that will rise up and support us when we make mistakes or when we take a wrong turn. And we can still create good moments, good days, good choices, and good futures. In fact, what we’re going through will make us even stronger and more powerful when we emerge on then other side.

How we see and imagine our world creates our world.

How we speak generates our life.

How we see our world dictates our actions and subsequently our results.

Remember these points and ask yourself the question about how you’re showing up for yourself.

And remember to take care of yourself first so you can be that powerful force to others…your family, friends, neighbors, peers, and clients.

How you create yourself and occur to yourself each day matters.

💪🐞~ Natascha