2. ‘Be aware, don’t beware’ …. Dr Hisham. COVID19 pandemic scaring you? Don’t let it. Act better

My daughter Noor & I have been working all day formulating my new holistic antiviral hand cream & spray to send off for independent Lab validation & testing against virulent RNA viruses like Influenza, Herpes & Corona. It’s for helping prevent transmission & inoculation. NOT a treatment!

If I’m wrong, well I tried. However, When proven right …. empowering the whole of humanity is in sight.

Let’s deliberately evolve! This is a global calling for natural selection at its purest. Together we become better, separated we get bitter !!

Time to wake up people. Take back control of your health for our community of humanity, rather than self destruct!

Here’s how we protect ourselves from viruses, safely & holistically, ALL the time ! You can do it too.

No.1 : OXIDISE the viruses (ALL and any of them!) + Empower your own immune and innate defence, ALL the time, repeatedly and consistently!
Ozone, ClO2 (Sodium Chlorite as in our Dr Hisham’s Alkaline Mouth Rinse) and/or diluted Hydrogen Peroxide are excellent for this).

No.2 : Don’t let the virus stick to your MUCOSAL MEMBRANES (mouth, throat, nose, anal or vaginal mucosa) as that is how viruses invade the body (not through outer skin unless you are cut – skin is only a carrier!)

No.3 YES Do Wash your hands and wash you bum after pooping (toilet paper is not for cleaning, it is for drying!) . Not sure why this a novelty, but here you go.

It’s not just now & not out of fear, rather out of love – love for self, love for serving others & love for humanity’s collective evolution 🙏🏽

Yours in health,

To our owesome leader Jacinda Ardern : I will be calling soon with the results of this Virology test that’s going to be done in Wellington next week… please help me help us all, when we know for sure.