“Since Lockdown I have been doing a lot of sitting, gardening and walking. My hips feel tight and sore.
What can I do to stretch them to relieve the pain in my back?”
Pls watch the video for my answer.
Health & happiness
Chris x
1) Please warm-up/pre-stretch before you take part and stretch after every session.
Warm Up Video:
Stretch Video:
2) If you have any medical conditions or mobility issues check with your GP first if it is ok for you to take part.
3) You are taking part in all (WWHF) West Wickham Health and Fitness or BTC sessions with Chris Tuck on all social media platforms at your own risk.
4) Wear appropriate footwear & clothing.
5) Make sure your workout area is a clear space for you to work out in.
Now enjoy the workout and let me know what you think!
Health & Happiness,
Chris x
Twitter: ChrisTuck_WWHF