9 Inexpensive Methods To Improve Immunity System to Fight Against Any Virus 2020

Inexpensive Methods to Improve Immune System
1. Get some sunshine 0:03
2. Exercise, but not too much 0:13
3. Stop Smoking and Save Money 0:32
4. Watch What You Eat: 1:00
A. Lemon 1:04
B. Garlic 1:27
C. Ginger 1:36
D. Basil Leaves, Cinnamon, Mushrooms and Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables 1:58
5. No Alcohol 2:16
Be nice to your liver
6. Keep using hand sanitizer or washing hands 2:27
7. Reduce your stress load 2:45
A. Get a Coloring Book 2:53
B. Watch something funny 3:01
C. Watch a nature documentary 3:09
D. Doodle or Play Games 3:17
E. Keeping a diary 3:27
F. Squeeze a stress ball or slime 3:37
8. Stay Hydrated 3:47
9. Get good sleep 4:07

1. Get some sunshine
Your body primarily produces vitamin D from the sun’s UV rays (it’s called the sunshine vitamin for a reason!)

2. Exercise, but not too much:
One of the key reasons exercise is thought to boost immune health is linked to the fact it helps support the production of white blood cells.
It’s a defense mechanism that works fairly well in keeping the body free from any infection.

3. Stop Smoking and Save Money:
Smoking harms the immune system and can make the body less successful at fighting disease.
This increases the risk for several immune and autoimmune disorders.

4. Watch What You Eat:
A. Lemon: is an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids, which are antioxidants. Antioxidants help remove free radicals that can damage cells from the body.
B. Garlic: doesn’t fight the flu or infection, but it can boost the cells in your body that do
C. Ginger: contains gingerol, a substance with powerful medicinal properties. The bioactive substance in fresh ginger, can help lower the risk of infections.
D. Basil Leaves, Cinnamon, Mushrooms and Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

5. Reduce your stress load:
A. Get a Coloring Book
B. Watch something funny
C. Watch a nature documentary
D. Doodle or Play Games
E. Keeping a diary
F. Squeeze a stress ball or slime

6. Be nice to your liver – Keep your alcohol intake in check

7. Keep using hand sanitizer or washing hands.
Hand hygiene is the most important measure to avoid the transmission of harmful germs and prevent the infections.

8. Stay Hydrated:
It’s difficult but try replacing all other drinks with water and see the magic in your energy level both mentally and physically, you get oxidized.

9. Get good sleep:
The researchers who led this study found that a good night’s sleep can boost the effectiveness of certain specialized immune cells called T cells.