COVID-19 | Vitamin D Deficiency The FIRRIMup Doctors' Webinar: Week 2- June 5, 2020

Dr. Angeli Maun Akey and Dr. Kathleen O’Neil-Smith will be holding FIRRIMup Doctors’ Webinars on Fridays from 3-4 PM on the FIRRIMup Doctors’ Facebook page. During the webinars they will be covering up-to-date information regarding the COVID-19 virus. You can watch these webinars on the FIRRIMup Doctors’ Facebook page or here on the YouTube channel. They recently released the paperback version of their NEW book “Kick COVID-19 to the Curb” which is available for purchase on FIRRIMupDoctors.com and on Google Play Books (

#FIRRIMup #covid19 #coronavirus #covid #Health #Wellness #Medical #Medicine #Doctor #HealthyLifestyle #Healthy #Doctors #Care #Physician #Healthcare #prevent #telehealth #KickCOVIDtotheCurb