Sleep, Immunity and COVID-19

Here is a short video explaining the importance of sleep in keeping you free from viral infections. The human body must have adequate sleep (7 hours or more each night) in order to have a functional immune system. If we get less than 7 hours of sleep, we are setting ourselves up for failure. The body will release stress hormones and neurotransmitters – adrenalin and cortisol – when we don’t sleep more than 7 hours. These chemicals act like natural caffeine. They help us wake up and get through the day but they make massive impacts on the immune system’s ability to kill virus- and cancer-infected cells.

Listen to Dr. Rostenberg explain the science of sleep and the immune system. In this video he gives you the research behind this idea and then shares some of his favorite supplements for treating this kind of problem. Enjoy!

If you or someone you know is struggling with methylation and immune system issues, please share this video with them! For help dealing with complex hormonal and genetic pathway issues…you may contact Dr. Rostenberg directly. Phone 208-322-7755. Email Website and

Are you a functional medicine practitioner, naturopath, chiropractor, or nutritionist interested in helping patients through optimizing genetic pathways using cutting-edge science?

We are excited to introduce the BeyondMTHFR© coaching program. We are offering a platform for growth, both professionally and personally, through application of the science of methylation and epigenetics.

Our goal is to be able to connect with like-minded practitioners who want to change lives by optimizing genetic pathways, using the latest science and natural medicine strategies.

Visit: for details on BeyondMTHFR’s upcoming coaching seminars.