Ocean Beauty; Deep Blue Sea; Continued Crashing waves; Beauty of nature; Awesome Beauty

Ocean Beauty; Deep Blue Sea; Continued Crashing waves; Beauty of nature; Awesome Beauty. The deep blue water of ocean is an attraction of everybody. Depth of deep blue sea is a suspense. Earth consists off three parts of water and one part of land. Ocean covered that three parts of earth. The bottom of ocean is the den of marine life. Varities of plants and marine animal lives there. They also controll earth ecosystems Sea food is a most protein based item in our meal. Sea fish contained full of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Cod lever oil extract of lever from that sea fish gives us vitamin D, calcium which makes our bones strong and increase immunity power. Salty sea water gives us salt which is full of lodine. Lac of iodine create thyroid problem. Sea beaches are the tourist spots. Tourism is a business based on sea. Sea breeze remove our tiredness at the end of day. Sea is one of the most entertainments for our busy life. Rythm of sea waves removes our headache and refresh our mind. I have tried to put up the oceanic environment in this video so that the viewer’s can enjoy it without physical presence at sea beach. I hope they will like it.