Tip Number 2 for a Flat Stomach

Part of my daily routine after having had my ginger and lemon with distilled magnetised shungite water. I wait at least 30 minutes before I start making this highly alkalising anti inflammatory drink. The body responds better to simple foods with minimal ingredients as you can have these ingredients individually and have the same effect. Keep it simple

Benefits of Grapefruit
1. Boosts immune system
2. Promotes healthy appetite
3. Aids weight loss
4. Prevents insulin resistance and diabetes
5. Improve heart health
6. High in antioxidants
7. Prevents kidney stones
8. Highly hydrating
9. High in vitamin A & C containing 64%
10. High in minerals Potassium, Thiamine, Folate, & Magnesium

Benefits of Orange
1. Boosts immune system
2. Excellent source of vitamin C
3. Prevents high blood pressure
4. Lowers cholesterol
5. Controls blood sugar levels
6. Alkalises the body
7. Promotes healthy eyes
8. Reduces the risk of stroke
9. Helps repair your body
10. Helps prevent diabetes