COVID-19 prevention-Immunity booster Yoga – Beginner Level | International Yoga day Special Session

A person with strong immunity has greater success in fighting the COVID-19 infection. Practicing yoga is best suited during the pandemic situation.

Antibiotics and other medicines do help the body recover from any disease but they don’t help improve the body’s immunity. Yoga, perhaps, is one of the most effective and time-tested natural immunity boosters that we can adopt for a healthier life. It is an ancient art that strengthens the body and also relaxes the mind. Let’s have a look at a few simple yoga poses that can help you put up a strong resistance the next time flu season comes around.

Healthy tips for prevention from Corona virus-
– Detoxify your body by drinking at least 6 to 8 liters of water daily
– Get a sound sleep of 6 to 8 hours
– Include more green vegetables in your diet and eat on time
– Make sure your diet is getting you your daily amount of vitamins and minerals
– Adopt ayurveda for a healthy lifestyle
– Follow basic hygiene practices
– Exercise and meditate regularly

*Affirmations for protection against Corona virus*

✅ *I have a clear nose, clear throat and clear chest.*
✅ *I have a strong IMMUNE SYSTEM.*
✅ *I am fit fine and healthy.*
✅ *My immune system is very POWERFUL.*
✅ *I have a strong resistance power.*
✅ *It protects my body and keeps me in perfect health.*
✅ *Knowing that my immune system responds to my every thought, I choose HEALTHY THINKING.*
✅ *I think only loving, positive and creative thoughts that enhance and support my immune system.*
✅ *I LOVE and APPRECIATE my fortifying immune system.*
✅ *l Love and APPROVE of myself.*
✅ *l am truly BLESSED.*
✅ *My ENERGY can only do good to me.*
✅ *l am Truly BLESSED.*

Affirmations are auto suggestions we give to ourselves. Keep repeating these sentences after waking up and before going to bed. Take a print of this for all your family members.

*In Gratitude and Abundance,*