If You Have Poor Body Image and Self Esteem…WATCH THIS!!!

Do you have a poor body image? Is your self-esteem low? Do you lack the confidence to get out and do something healthy because people will see you and judge you? Are you worried about how you look? Are you stuck? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to watch this video!!! Why? Because you are beautiful not matter where you are on your journey and the fact that you are trying anyway, despite how you feel, is so inspiring to me! And I want to celebrate you! I am still learning and growing and I want you to come with me.

Many women over the age of 50 do not like how they look and if that’s you, you are not alone. Our life, our fitness, our health is a journey and that means baby steps. You need to celebrate that journey every step of the way.

As we age, our bodies change and what used to work for us may not be working anymore. We don’t process protein the same way, our metabolism is slower, we don’t absorb Vitamin D from the sun the same way, we leach certain vitamins that we used to easily absorb. We have a lot going against us as we age. But we have even more going for us. There are things we can do to counter the things I just mentioned and I will be going over that in my channel so stick with me. Subscribe to get the latest tidbit. Ask me for information you can’t find or want a video on. Be the inspiration for someone else. You are not alone and I am here with you every step of the way. Reach out! My contact information is below as well as how to reach me on other social media platforms.

FB Group: Health, Fitness and Nutrition:

Remember our goal is to be the Healthiest Version of Ourselves Possible and live one Kick-Ass Life!!