Vitamin A Supports Vision, Immune Function And Skin Health

– Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that has many functions in the body. It helps iron incorporate into red blood cells, which helps the body with proper oxygenation. It is essential for an effective immune system because 1) it helps with the integrity of skin and mucosa, and 2) Vitamin A supports the production and differentiation of white blood cells. Vitamin A also supports good vision, especially in low light.

Vitamin A Functions
• Good Vision
• Strong Immune System
• Healthy Skin
• Red Blood Cell Production
• White Blood Cell Function

Vitamin A Food Sources
• As a carotene (pre-cursor): dark leafy organic vegetables and yellow/orange veggies
• As Vitamin A: liver, kidney, raw organic milk, raw organic butter, cod liver oil

Vitamin A Supplementation
• 2,500 IU to 25,000 IU per day (or higher under medical supervision)
• Vitamin A may be toxic in higher doses for some people.
• Pregnant women should not take Vitamin A above 2,500 IU.
• Vitamin A is either manufactured in the body from a “carotene” (from plants) or used directly by the body if the source is actually “Vitamin A” (from an animal source).

Conditions Effectively Treated With Vitamin A
• Skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, rough skin, prevents sunburns)
• Eye conditions (dry eyes, impaired night vision, conjunctivitis)
• Gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers, Crohn’s disease)
• Menstrual disorders—heavy bleeding
• Immune function: anti-viral (e.g., upper respiratory infections, measles, Epstein Barr virus, Herpes)
• Helps to prevent kidney stones

Vitamin A Resources

Book: Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements by Dr. Michael Murray, N.D.

On-Camera Host
Dr. Angela Agrios, ND

Video Produced by Larry Cook