Mudras | Increase immunity power | Corona virus | Do it with me Day-6 | Yoga Pariwar | Yoga2020

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Today we will do some simple but important Hasta Mudras.

Mudras bring peace and bliss to the mind.

Hasta mudras are certain special position or gesture of fingers and hand in relation to the body.

let us start

Sit in any comfortable meditative posture such as padmasana, vajrasana, siddhasana or sukhasana.

1) Gyana Mudra:
it is Joining index fingertip and thumb tip.
Leave the remaining three fingers extended.
place the hands over the knees.

It improves the functioning of the brain and pituitary gland.

2)Akash Mudra:
it is Joining middle fingertip and thumb tip.

It helps to overcome heart and ear diseases.

3)Prithvi Mudra:
it is Joining ring fingertip and thumb tip.

It energizes the body, removes weakness and laziness.

4)Varun Mudra:
it is Joining little fingertip and thumb tip.

It removes indigestion, gas, acidity, constipation, skin diseases.

5)Vayu Mudra:
it is Gently pressing the second phalanx tip of the index finger with the thumb.
Leave other 3 fingers stretched.

Relieves psychological disorders like hysteria anger and depression.

6)Sunya Mudra:
it is Gently pressing the second phalanx tip of the middle finger with the thumb.

It brings peace in mind & gives relief from ear-related problems.

7)Surya Mudra:
is Gently pressing the second phalanx tip of the ring finger with the thumb.

It provides better control of body metabolism
& enhances the function of abdominal organs.

8)Prana Mudra:
it is Joining tips of ring finger and little finger with a thumb tip.

It boosts the immune system and prepares our body to fight against diseases, infections and pathogens.

9)Apana Mudra:
it is Joining tips of the middle finger and ring finger with a thumb tip.

It promotes deep relaxation, eliminates stress & cures type 2 diabetes.

10)Apana Vayu Mudra:
it is Joining tips of the middle finger and ring finger with a thumb tip.
And join the tip of the index finger to the base of the thumb.

It detoxifies the body & improves lung function.

11)Linga Mudra:
Interlock the fingers of both hands such that the little finger of right hand comes on the lower free end and the thumb of the left hand comes on the upper free end.
Erect the right thumb and encircle it with the thumb and index finger of the left hand.

It generates heat in the body and keeps us fit and energetic.

12)Sankha Mudra:
Place the left thumb at the base of the right thumb.
Join the index fingertip of the left hand with the thumb tip of the right hand.
Place other three fingers of the left hand on the back of the right palm.

It keeps thyroid glands healthy and removes throat diseases.

Practising these mudras with closed eyes will improve your concentration.

You can also chant Om along with the mudras to increase its effectiveness.

Practice the mudras for a couple of minutes separately or with Pranayama, Yogasana or Meditation regularly.
