Webinar Foster Immune System Series by Dr. Thomas Lodi

Under the current situation, the COVID-19 Coronavirus strain has no doubt created very serious health implications for those affected, but it has left those unaffected with fear, doubt, and uncertainty for the future.

“Life has stopped. Workplaces have shut down. People are losing their jobs. They aren’t sleeping. They aren’t moving. They are stressed. Fear of the virus has swept over the world and consequently, people are not thinking or behaving rationally.” It needs to stop!

The only way we can stop the fear is with knowledge and truth.

CanCham Thailand would like to invite our members and friends to join our Webinar series with Dr. Thomas Lodi on “Foster Immune System”. The first session will talk about what you need to know about COVID 19 – That you won’t find anywhere else.

The webinar will provide knowledge about what this virus is and how it actually affects us, and, the truth about how to protect ourselves and our loved ones.