Wellness, Mindset, and Empowerment with Yolanda #Godchosen Vaughn

Yolanda Vaughn with Sherrie Elyse about healing after a serious car accident, the power of faith, how she got her name Godchosen, and having a positive mindset.

Yolanda is a Actress, Model, and Total Life Changer.

She remembers being in the hospital praying. Her Doctor was shocked to see her foot healing after the accident. They told her she’d never walk without a limp. She can now walk normally.

Yolanda remembers her Grandmother telling her you have to learn who God is for yourself.
Everyone has their own insight but it’s uncovering it that’s the key.

She told us about the results she experienced with Nutraburst and NGR. The vitamin drink Nutraburst gave her energy that she’d usually get from an energy drink or coffee. It helped her Grandmother as well who has Diabetes.

More from Yolanda at:


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