9 Myths About Sunscreen That You Always Thought Were True

Do they prevent your body from absorbing vitamin D? Can you skip them on cloudy days? Can tanning beds replace the need for a good sunscreen? We will be talking about all of this AND more.

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#Sunscreen #Myths #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Tanning Beds are as good as sunscreen – 0:32
Only people with lighter skin need sunscreen – 1:45
Sunscreen won’t give your body enough vitamin D – 2:38
You don’t need sunscreen on cloudy days – 3:37
Your makeup can replace sunscreen – 4:20
You won’t tan when you wear sunscreen – 4:40
One application of sunscreen will last you all-day – 5:07
All sunscreens are the same – 6:02
Sunscreens do not expire – 6:35


1. Tanning Beds Are As Good As Sunscreen
There’s a misconception that all you need is a quick tan right at the start of summer. After that, you can enjoy beach life without worrying about protecting your skin from the sun.

2. Only People With Lighter Skin Need Sunscreen
Nope, that’s a big, fat lie! It doesn’t matter what your skin tone is, you are still at risk if you go out without applying a sunscreen.

3. Sunscreen Won’t Give Your Body Enough Vitamin D
Vitamin D is very important for your body, especially if you want stronger bones and joints.

4. You Don’t Need Sunscreen On Cloudy Days
Oh, you absolutely do! This is one of the most common misconceptions. If you think going out on a cloudy day means there are no harsh sun rays, you would be making your skin all the more vulnerable to the sun damage. You cannot skip on sunscreen because the clouds aren’t blocking the sun’s rays.

5. Your Makeup Can Replace Sunscreen
Makeup Products these days do provide a little sun protection. But they cannot replace a heavy-duty sunscreen. You need high SPF to protect your skin from the effects of UV lights.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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