Dr. Montio Morgan, ENT Surgeon & Chairperson CamDocUK, tells her COVID19 Story: BBC Africa Interview

Dr. Montio Morgan is a Consultant ENT Surgeon at Basildon & Thurrock University Hospitals Trust, Essex, UK & Chairperson of the Cameroon Doctors Assoc, UK. She contracted COVID-19 from a patient about 6 weeks ago; in a compelling interview with BBC Africa’s Bola Mosuro, she describes her journey through the illness to recovery & resuming her medical practice. Dr. Morgan shared that after exposure to a COVID-19 patient, she developed a cough, fever & began experiencing muscle aches & pain. She immediately self-isolated & turned her focus to fighting the disease. This included boosting her immunity with high doses of Vitamin C, fever-reducing medication, & respiratory exercises. In addition, she motivated herself by staying connected with family & community, including recording a fundraising video for CamDocUK. A Leader, Mentor & shining example of a HealthCare Hero, Dr Morgan inspires us all. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, & has volunteered with the West African College of Surgeons, participating in outreach surgical missions. Watch the video to follow her incredible journey to recovery.
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