(US) Resist covid19 part 2: when the virus approaches

#coronavirus #covid19 #health

Naturopathic tips to boost our immune system as Covid19 approaches, SO IN PREVENTION BEFORE YOU GET INFECTED, and after following the first part:

1) prior precaution:
– wash your hands often with a hydroalcoholic solution (purchased or homemade).

2) reduce the food that fills our lungs:
– starch products containing glues,
– milk products which provide mucus.

3) eating foods that are concentrated in vitamins such as:
– sprouted seeds (purchased or homemade).

4) take targeted vitamins FOR PREVENTION:
– liposomal vitamin C (the most assimilable with the least adverse effects) to give energy to the body,
– magnesium in a transdermal spray, the most assimilable without the bitter taste of magnesium chloride, fight against aging therefore to support our seniors and natural anxiolytics,
– glutathione, the antioxidant par excellence that supports oxygenation of cells in general (ATP energy production) and lungs in particular,
– cofactor Q10, a catalyst that amplifies the effect of all previous vitamins,
– for our seniors: magnesium in transdermal spray, the most assimilable without the bitter taste of magnesium chloride, fight against aging and natural anxiolytic.

5) take prebiotics and probiotics:
– to improve the intestinal flora, where white blood cells are created, that is to say the source of our immune system; the foods that contain the most are the lacto-fermented foods such as sauerkraut (to eat raw) or gherkins, kefir, miso, etc …

6) take products from the hive:
– honey (one of the best sugar products)
– propolis, for the prevention of ENT diseases.

7) drinking herbal teas to prevent ENT conditions:
– sweet thyme with honey and a few drops of lemon juice.

8) our grandmothers’ cure for colds:
– inhalation of eucalyptus leaves.

9) essential oils are powerful antiviral allies to use:
– noble laurels tea tree or ravintsara, self-friction on the wrists, so that they are absorbed immediately into the blood,
– in a diffuser, to purify the atmosphere,
– in the particular case of the Jacquier bold d’air, to find a normal use of our lungs and to oxygenate our cells.

10 ) another remedy for our grandmothers against lung congestion:
– the installation of suction cups.

11) if you have a bathtub at home, take the hot bath of the Salmanoff cure (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CARDIAC USE):
– enter the bathtub half full with a little hot water then run very hot water and stay there (WARNING: not too hot or too long),
– when leaving the bath, take a cold shower (CAUTION: adjust the cold to your abilities),
– lie down for a while, while the body drains the heat.

– part with dry heat, for detoxing the body, skin and lungs,
– continue with a cold shower (see previous point), the Americans can redo an “ice bucket challenge” and the Finns will roll in the snow,
– to lie down for a moment, as before.

In short, we must ask ourselves questions about our Western lifestyle (cocooning) and be ready to get out of our comfort zone.

To follow for the third part…