Greg Faxon on "I Can't Afford It" During Covid19 Pandemic

Learn more about Greg and his work here:

To check out the eBook of my conversation with Greg…

On Selling High End Coaching Packages:

Some notes from the call…

“I can’t afford it” is often a surface concern – you need to understand what they mean
Literally, your first question should be “What do you mean?”

#1 Can’t afford it = it’s not worth what you’re charging to me right now (OFFER PROBLEM)
Actually a problem with your offer

Sell painkillers not vitamins – people are looking for certainty and security, all the superfluous spending is going
You could reduce the price, but better to just solve a more painful problem

Here are some videos from me about offers and packages:

#2 Can’t afford it = I don’t see the value clearly enough (SALES PROBLEM)

This is a problem with your sales process, helping them see cost of not fixing the problem
When cost of not solving problem is greater than investment in your program
I don’t trust that you can actually solve it

Some videos on sales:

#3 Can’t afford it = I don’t have access to that money (MARKETING PROBLEM)

This is what we often assume they mean
But you have to clarify their cash situation
Are you open to getting creative? Credit, selling stuff, payment plan, etc.

Some videos on Point of View Marketing:

Before you change your techniques, you need to change your mindset:
– The underpinning of all of this is congruence = your belief that the thing you sell is the best possible investment, a total no-brainer, for your target market
– When you’re not congruent, every concern they bring will make you feel like a fraud
– It’s unethical to sell someone something they don’t need or shouldn’t but
– It’s also unethical NOT to sell something to someone who needs it, just because you’re uncomfortable

Some videos on mindset and inner work:

Final Thoughts From Greg:

Economic corrections don’t always create problems, but they often reveal problems
Everyone is convinced that everything is different, but the laws of marketing and sales and economics are the same
Greg’s business (and many others) are actually doing better right now
Use this as an opportunity for you to grow as a business owner and fix the marketing/sales/mindset problems that were just below the surface up until now