Covid’s Possible Three Stages || Coronavirus Update

Covid’s Possible Three Stages:

1. COVID 19 Nose Involved – recovery time is half a day. (Steam inhaling, Rest)

2. Covid 19 Throat Involved – sore throat, recovery time 1 day (Rest, hot water gargle, warm water to drink, if you have a fever, then paracetamol)

3. Covid 19 Lungs Involved – coughing and breathlessness 4 to 5 days.
(Bed Rest, Vitamin supplements, hot water gargle, regular oxygen level check with a pulse oximeter, paracetamol, oxygen if severe, prone position, Steroids, Antiviral medications, Intensive care if needed)

When should you go to Hospital?

Monitor the oxygen level. If it goes below 92 (normal 98-100) then you need an oxygen and hospital admission. Or any other severe or worsening conditions.

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