Study finds more evidence that lack of vitamin D is linked to Covid-19 severity

DUBLIN, June 20 ― New European research has added to the growing body of evidence which suggests that a vitamin D deficiency could be linked with developing a more severe case of Covid-19.  Carried out by researchers at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the University of Liverpool, UK, the new study looked at 117 countries which had 150 or more Covid-19 cases to see how the virus affects different populations in different ways.  The researchers gathered data on people aged 65 and over, each country’s population density, the latitude of the capital city and air pollution levels.  Their findings, published in the British Medical Journal, showed that the proportion of older people in each country strongly affected Covid-19 mortality rates ― for every one percent increase in the proportion of people aged 65 and over, the researchers estimated that there was an increase of 13 per cent in mortality rates.  After taking into account age, latitude also remained a significant factor in …