Immuplex to Boost Immune System

Hooray for this week’s #YouTubeWednesday as you’ll all want to listen to #laceylocation #chiropractor Dr. Erin talk about an easy way to help boost your #immunesystem naturally with #Immuplex. This supplement is made by Standard Process, an all-natural whole foods supplement company. Immuplex has a bunch of different micronutrients with a few of the most important being #VitaminA, #VitaminC, #VitaminE, #Zinc, and #VitaminB6. Vitamins A, C, E are #antioxidants that work by increasing the body’s natural immune system and decreasing #inflammation. Zinc helps by limiting #viruses from binding to the cells of your body that result in #infections & B6 increases the body’s sensitivity towards detecting a possible invader. If you’re interested in learning more ways to help fight sickness, please stop by and talk to one of our providers today. Make sure to take a few minutes to watch this week’s video! #teamthompson #teamthsm