Zhen Magic Ball Therapy for Immune System and Covid-19 (Part 1)

Let’s start to heal ourselves to heal the world!

As Covid19 continues to spread, please try these simple steps routine to boost your immune system🙏🙏🙏

Keep smiling, breathe deeply from belly so that our cells will be happy and energetic. Apply firm pressure while breathing steadily into your belly.

🙏 As a maintenance routine, you can do this once in the morning and once before bed. If you start feeling fatigued, weak, or up it to three times a day.

1. the upper burner (stomach)

2. Midline of the sternum (breastbone) just between the nipple level.

3. Lung meridian on both arms. To locate it simply make a thumbs-up sign. From lung to big thumb. Start with left arm first.

4. lateral (outer) edge of the elbow crease. Massage more.

5. Big intestine meridian

Blessings from Zhen Magic Ball Therapy and Deep Yoga Instructor. 🙏🙏🙏



作为保养例行程序,您可以在早上一次,在睡前一次。 如果您开始感到疲倦,虚弱那可以一天3次。

1. 焦上(肚子)


3.肺经络(两臂外侧) 。 要找到它,只需简单地竖起大拇指。 从肺到大拇指。 左手开始先。


5. 大肠经。
祝福你🙏🙏🙏 @ Deep Yoga Instructor @ Zhen Magic Ball Therapy

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