Shiruto – Vitamin of Immunity (E) – RCCA Rex

Q: What is Shiruto?
A: Shiruto is an immune vitamin. Shiruto can enhance your immune system.

Q: How does Shiruto enhance the immune system?
A: The unique ingredient of Shiruto IP-PA1 is an indispensable vitamin for immune cells. IP-PA1 binds to the macrophage surface receptor (TLR4) and is capable of activating macrophages.

Q: What role do macrophages play in the autoimmune system?
A: Macrophages play four major roles in the autoimmune system.
1. Can protect the body
2. Balance the immune system
3. Remove aging and diseased cells
4. Repair cells

Q: Why are macrophages not active?
A: Macrophages become inactive due to age, environmental pollution, and poor living routines. Inactivation of macrophages leads to an imbalance of the immune system.

Q: What changes can be made to our body by activating autoimmune immunity?
A: It can help prevent and improve infection, sensitivity, dermatitis, hyperlipidemia, stomach ulcers, and bone loosening.

Q: Is there any clinical verification for Shiruto?
A: Yes. The activity of activated macrophages of IP-PA1 was clinically verified to be 1000 times higher than that of B-glucan and lactic acid bacteria. Reduce mortality from parasitic infections. The problem of slowing dermatitis is as high as 71%. Reduce allergic reactions, effectively reduce high cholesterol, reduce gastric ulcers, repair insulin cells and maintain insulin production to delay morbidity.

Q: Is there a difference between Shiruto and antibiotics?
A: Yes. Antibiotics are helping you fight germs. Shiruto activates macrophages and lets them fight germs.

Q: What is Shiruto like? What’s the taste?
A: Shiruto is a powdery, blueberry flavor, sour and sweet, very tasty. Adults and children are very loved by the elderly.

Q: How do I take Shiruto?
A: Children over 2 years old are recommended to pack 1 pack per day. Adults can get 2 packs a day. It can be taken continuously for three months for best results.