ᴴᴰ CORONAVIRUS: Naturally Boost Your Immune System NOW! WHY is no one talking about THIS!?

With recent events worldwide deriving from the Coronavirus pandemic, current medical research has focused on ways the immune system functions and can be improved. In a similar effect, psychological studies show that people recover from illnesses such as flu and colds faster and are less symptomatic than compared with people who have a more negative thought process. That’s why this soundtracks capability of improving cognitive positivity by using subtle yet powerful theta waves has been dubbed ‘a miracle’ by many.

The use of binaural beats and other types of brainwaves entrainment have been shown to be therapeutic for a variety of health problems. For example, researchers have investigated the effects of brainwave entrainment on the verbal skills of children with focus issues. Children with focus issues who were exposed to alternating alpha and beta waves via audiovisual brain entrainment performed significantly better on standardized reading tests.[11] Another study on children with focus issues found that children had reduced impulsivity and inattention after brainwave entrainment.[12] One study using delta and theta waves, and two others using alpha waves found that brain entrainment significantly reduced anxiousness in adults.[13]

Several studies have also shown brainwave entrainment to reduce acute pain after surgery.[14] Presumably, by inducing brainwaves that facilitate relaxation, people perceive less discomfort and are less preoccupied with subjective pain feelings.[15] Research also indicates the potential for brainwave entrainment to reduce sleep issues.[16] These findings are very promising, as issues with sleep can increase the risk of other health problems.[17]

Once this beautifully designed BINAURAL THERAPY beats soundtrack melts all of the layers of worry, anxiety, depression, and fear clogging up your thought processes, your new-found mind-mastery, with crystal clear thinking, and positive mental attitude allows you an easy manifestation of anything you want, whether it be good health or love.
Recent scientific studies suggest that people with upbeat attitudes and those with a positive mindset catch fewer cold and flu viruses. Plus, patients who are diagnosed with potentially terminal illnesses tend to experience more consistent and significant improvements after receiving treatments.

No one can truly comprehend how or why a positive attitude helps people recover faster from serious diseases — diseases as serious as cancer, heart disease, and AIDS but mounting evidence suggests that these effects may have something to do with the mind’s power over the immune system. One recent study, for example, polled healthy first-year law students at the beginning of the school year to find out how optimistic they felt about the upcoming year. By the middle of the first semester, the students who had been confident that they would do well had more and better functioning immune cells than the worried students. (See Suzanne C. Segerstrom, Ph.D., et al., “Optimism is Associated With Mood, Coping, and Immune Change in Response to Stress,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 74, Number 6, June 1998.)

People who have positive thoughts also have better-coping skills. As a result, they are better at healing after a medical setback. Not only is the immune system improved as mentioned, but healing after surgical procedures, fractures, and other acute injuries have been shown to be faster than negative counterparts. Listen to this audio track as much as you feel comfortable, either sitting or lying in a comfortable position.


[11] Huang & Charton op.cit.

[12] Ibid.

[13] Huang & Charton op.cit., Ossebard op.cit.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Ossebard op.cit.

[16] Tang Hsin-Yi, Vitiello MV, Perlis M, et. al. (2014). A Pilot Study of Audio-Visual Stimulation as a Self-Care Treatment for Insomnia in Adults with Insomnia and Chronic Pain. Applied
Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 39, 219-225.

[17] Tang et. al. op.cit.

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