Israel embracing Civid19 to create natural immunity.

‪ The physician who served as Bill Gates’ private doctor in Seattle in the 1990s says the Microsoft founder & vaccine proponent “refused to vaccinate his own children” when they were young.

Vaccines cause autism.…

Israel’s age 18 to 60,

all back to work.

Use Zinc tablets, vitamin C hourly & an IV DRIP of vitamin C.

The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Urges Physicians and Hospitals to use

Zinc, IV DRIP of Vitamin C to prevent & cure the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Use Zinc, vitamin C hourly & an IV DRIP of vitamin C.

In the same period COVID-19 killed 4000 Americans, the flu/pneumonia killed 84,000.

Where are the prayers for those 84,000 deaths?

Ah, I get it. Flu deaths are not in style. You need a virus with a Gates funded PR campaign to get prayers.

#COVID19 #FilmYourHospital

As a consequence the MMR vaccine should be considered defective
and potentially dangerous to human health, ‬

in particular for the paediatric population which is much more vulnerable to genetic and autoimmune damage due to the immaturity of the immunity systems.

 As anticipated, the following part of the article is a more “technical” and difficult to understand for non-experts, therefore we decided,

even for transparency purposes, to attach to this document also the “EMA Dossier – NGS Dossier Discussion on the results of the vaccine quality survey “.

We had to extrapolate only the part that could be published, that is 50 pages of the dossier compared to the 200 pages of the NGS,

since much of the information contained and registered to the regulatory bodies must remain confidential.

1/ CoVid19 has started a world conversation of how to create a better world health care system.

‪2/ Take Vitamin C orally hourly. ‬

Or an IV Drip of vitamin C weekly.

Zinc deficiency = CoVid19.

❤️New Orleans emergency room MDs discovers zinc cures CoVid19 in days.

All who died have a zinc deficency. Solution: FIRST use liquid colloidal minerals, vit. C, not Meds, not vaxx.

‪3/ ‬I/we think we know why flu vaccine could be at the heart
of this covid19 situation.

This is damaging information.
Pharmaceutical will not like us talking about this.
Where to start…?