Corona virus in prophesy Asia woe China WHO declares emergency Covid19 1

1611 Edition of King James Hebrew Bible 2 Edras 16 prophesy against Asia Syria Egypt Babylon
Woe be unto thee thou wretch
The eagle Jeremiah 49v16, Obadiah 1v4 and the dragon Psalm 91v13

Bird flu breaks out in China

Viruses as patented bioweapons bird flu Avian flu chickengunya Zika AIDS Ebola etc


Spanish flu, the black plague, pestilences, pandemics, viruses, diseases, plagues, pathogens, biological weapons, Covid19, etc

Yulin Dog Meat Festival
Chinese eating Bat abominations not to be eaten lead to Coronavirus Leviticus 11v13-19 and the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat

Eating Rat bat Pork unclean meats Isaiah 66v17 those eating swine flesh and the mouse shall be consumed together

Do not eat unclean meats according to the Bible:bat, rat, camel, lobster, shrimp, pig

Lysol spray human coronavirus, Bio weapons patents weapons of mass destruction. Obadiah prophesy. Psalm 83.
Saints of Yah be righteous stop sinning keep the laws, statutes, commandments, ordinances, Sabbaths, holy days, Jubilees, and the faith of Jesus Christ. Keep the dietary laws, learn not the customs of the heathens. Pray Psalm 23 and Psalm 109. Asia wretched inventions and idolatry lead to destruction. Their oppression of the apostles and believers in Christ Acts 19v27 their troubles of the Apostles 2 Corinthians 1v8

Woes prophesied
2 Edras 15v21, 15v46, hated in all her works and inventions 15v53, 15v56 , 16v73

Social credit score, cashless society, gene edited babies, DNA, GMO fake foods, plastic rice, counterfeit, shoddy goods,

Like as they doe yet this day unto my chosen, so will I did also and recompense in their bosome, Thus saith the Lord God

Like as thou hast done unto my chosen, sayth the Lord: even so shall God do unto thee, and shall deliver thee into mischief

Correction one of you shall chase a thousand

Coronavirus in Jamaica CARICOM to meet
US State Dept authorizes personnel to evacuate China due to Coronavirus
Pig hog swine flesh eaters Pig out shack, jerk pork, ham, bacon, will be consumed together Isaiah 66v17

Jamaica earthquake 2020

7000 people stuck on Italian cruise ship over coronavirus fears

Countries order citizens to leave China while they can, UK Foreign Office
Jeremiah 46v16, Jeremiah 50v16
Every country will need quarantine areas set up to isolate and to enforce their borders, nations and bloodline

Treatment and prevention for coronavirus follow dietary law in Bible what to eat what not to eat in Dueteronomy and Leviticus clean and unclean foods

Healing naturally search Masterherbalist Patrick Delves videos on YouTube. Prevent colds flu


Always consult physician if you are taking medication, have underlying health problems , allergies, etc before using certain products, herbs, foods

TREAT MENTs PREVention better than cure
Plenty of fluids,
Sambucol sambucus Negra Black elderberries 18888719098
Thymic Protein A, Samento , Cardiostat
Therapeutic Vitamin C ascorbic acid powder
Allicin Allisure AC-23 Allimax AlliUltra
Colloidal Silver like MesoSilver
Vitamin D or vitamin D rich foods like cod liver oil
Olive Leaf

Soursop leaves, bissy or kola nut, garlic, ginger, onion, honey, lemons, lime, cayenne
Epsom salt grapefruit juice, orange , juice, olive oil

Thai treatment breakthrough

Vietnam , third world doing better. Miracles, cured of all their coronavirus cases?

Iran’s tea formula for boosting immunity

Make your own hand sanitizer at home

Approved masks and respirators

Red Cross Emergency Preparedness List