Magical foods, herbs and spices to develop a stronger immunity and fight against corona virus

Our immune system is greatly influenced by the type of food we eat regularly.
So if we modify our diet with powerful ingredients right from our kitchen and garden we can definitely keep any disease causing germs away from us.
There are certain antiviral potent and powerful foods and spices that heal our body and are gut supportive in nature.
The fruits and vegetables are the foremost and important ones.
The next being the wholesome nature made foods like the unpolished cereals and pulses.
The spices are healing in nature like the
Cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and licorice.
The turmeric and ginger are anti-inflammatory in nature.
The magical herbs are great to fight any virus
They are the Tulsi,
Betel leaves.
An adequate amount of sunlight is necessary to kill germs from the body and synthesize vitamin D.
Plenty of fluids like water washes away all the toxins from the body.
Atleast two glasses of water should be taken early in the morning.
Vitamin E rich nuts and seeds should be taken like the almond, walnut, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.
Vitamin C rich fruits like Amla and lemons should be added in the diet.
Fruits can be made like smoothie recipes and taken.
Herbs can be made as concoction and taken between meals.
Corona virus is like any other viruses and it can be healed by keeping good diet and exercise.
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