Covid-19: Epidemiology Update, and the Tenuous Balance between Speed and Safety in the Pandemic

In this UCSF Medical Grand Rounds presentation (June 11, 2020), UCSF experts provide an update on the epidemiology for COVID-19 and the next phase of the pandemic. They also highlight the shift to speed in publications and the FDA approval process – raising the question of whether safety is being compromised. The session is hosted by UCSF Department of Medicine chair Bob Wachter.

Bob Wachter: Introduction
00:05:41 – George Rutherford, Professor, Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, UCSF; Director of the Prevention and Public Health Group – Update in Epidemiology and the New Phase of the Pandemic
00:22:53 – Q&A
00:29:37 – A panel discussion with Dr. Rutherford and the speakers below – The Shift to Speed in Publications and the FDA Approval Process: An Appropriate Response to a Pandemic or Setup for Errors?
• Rob Califf, Director of Medical Strategy and Policy, Verily and Google Health; former Commissioner of the US Food & Drug Administration; and Founding Director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI)
• Vinay Prasad, Associate Professor, Depts. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Medicine, UCSF; and author of Ending Medical Reversal and Malignant: How Bad Policy and Bad Evidence Harm People with Cancer
• Rita Redberg, Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, UCSF; and Editor, JAMA Internal Medicine
01:15:43 – Bob Wachter: Closing

See previous Covid-19 Medical Grand Rounds:
• June 4: The Covid-19 Pandemic in the Context of the Healthcare System, Economy, Race, Politics, Ethics, and History

• May 28: Update on Covid-19: Testing, ICU Practices and Outcomes at ZSFG, and the Experience of Elders in the Covid-19 Pandemic

• May 21: Update on Covid-19: Epidemiology, Treatments and Vaccines, Thromboembolic Complications, and the Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Affecting Children

• May 14: Covid-19 Update: The ICU Experience in New York, the UCSF Mission and Bolinas Community Studies, and the Uses and Limitations of Antibody Testing

See all UCSF Covid-19 grand rounds here: