Your protection against cancer depends on having this vitamin

Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world. There are ways to avoid it and to reduce the harmful effects. For sickness prevention, our diet comes into play. Watch this video to better understand the topic.

How many cells are there in the human body? That’s the question scientists Shai Fuchs, Ron Milo, and Ron Sender asked in this article. The most relevant information to know is that to function properly, cells require nutrients, that is, vitamins. That is why vitamins have a fundamental role concerning cancer. Researcher Carsten Carlberg, from the University of Finland, and Alberto Muñoz from the University of Madrid, made a study of the implication of vitamin D and the risk of cancer.

What is vitamin D for?
It is a special nutrient for bones, which helps them absorb the necessary calcium. The lack of vitamin can generate osteoporosis.

How to get vitamin D?
Vitamin D is found in fish like tuna and salmon and in foods like cheese, eggs and mushrooms. In the United States it’s sometimes also added as an additive to milk. Exposing yourself to sunlight helps also, in the right measures, since over exposure can develop in skin cancer.

Conclusion: Vitamin D helps our bones and our immune system, by influencing T cells and monocytes (types of cells), fundamental in fighting the disease.

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