How to Boost Immune System and Detoxify Economically?

There are many kinds of refreshments that we can always intake but to have a detoxification with economical impact, I will pretty sure recommend a Calamansi Juice on a cold water and before sleep (at least 30 minutes before to bed). This is very timely that a lot of people are having weight gains during this community quarantine episodes in every region.

There are a lot of benefits taking in a calamansi juice. It includes being an immunity booster, helps in detoxification as it is rich in Vitamin C that is helpful in eliminating free radicals, and helps in the maintenance of organ system functioning.

6-10 pieces of calamansi (depending on its size – lesser when bigger)
1-2 tbsp of honey or brown sugar as sweetener
1 glass of cold water

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Love lots,

Joy of the World!

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#CalamansiJuice #Detoxify #Detoxification #VitaminC #Calamansi #BoostImmuneSystem #LemonWater