The Undercover Epicenter Nurse EXPOSED. She's Lying/Misrepresenting a LOT. How Experts Can Tell.

She is NOT an ICU nurse. She was NOT a nurse in Iraq. She did not know basic procedures while ‘helping’ in New York. She deliberately represents regular ICU protocols, and forgets to mention this was a hospital OVERRUN by COVID-19. She probably came to NY with spy equipment, and knowingly, secretly, recorded interactions with patients and hospitals.

ZDoggMd has been releasing her colleagues’ version of events which you should read here –

She accused a hospital which was already overrun of not isolating patients. This unfortunately happens sometimes, especially when hospitals are overrun, which this hospital definitely was (why else would they bring untrained nurses into ICU – indeed, many wards were converted to ICUs at one point). At some point, the hospital became a COVID-19 hospital.
She herself, on numerous occasions, wouldn’t bother to sanitize her hands and wear/change gowns when going between rooms (we get taught the importance of this in our first month of medical school, and get punished for not doing so in every exam we sit).

She was also not trained to be an ICU nurse – which her colleagues also pointed out, but she never mentioned in the interview. It is clear to anyone who’s received medical/nursing training and been in hospital/ICUs that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Either due to lack of training in this field, incompetence, or deliberate misrepresentation of the facts, she misrepresented the ‘poor treatment’ patients got in ICU as “horrendous” when in truth, these are basic protocols for patients who enter ICU. I’ve been in ICU as a patient on numerous occasions – almost every patient in there gets a central line. Every single patient who is ventilated NEEDS to get a cocktail of paralytics, heavy pain medications, and a range of other medications too – this is STANDARD!

She complained about ventilators not being the right treatment, but never once complained to other people during her ‘interview,’ as at the time, it wasn’t known what was the best protocol to be using, and doctors were treating COVID-19 patients as they saw it – treating ARDS when needed. She doesn’t know the basics of oxygen saturation, and can’t seem to explain basic X-Ray terms.

She claims that Florida, where she worked, saw no deaths, which (a) was not the case (b) is a false equivalence, as she didn’t work in an ICU ward in Florida (she wasn’t trained to) (c) It was not overwhelmed and over capacity as the NY hospital was, at the time and (d) is likely not the way it’s all heading, given that Florida is now unfortunately seeing a surge in case numbers.

She also claims that vitamin D cures patients with COVID-19 in ICU settings, when there are no studies which demonstrate this. Vitamin D may help in early cases or in helping boost the immune system to reduce likelihoods of patients getting severe disease, but that’s all until we get better evidence. She couldn’t tell you how/what the mechanism is for it working, as none have been proposed. it doesn’t exist. Only studies showing correlations between low vit-D and severe COVID-19 and some lab studies have been done on it so far.

She talk a lot about hydroxychloroquine, but also herself says that it’s likely better when given early. Though a Lancet paper was retracted on HCQ – there have been several studies showing no effect in hospitalised COVID-19 pts, and doctors at the hospital HAD been trying HCQ and azythromycin . Remember, they were choosing who to save at some points. Of course they couldn’t try treatments that likely wouldn’t work, and only bring harm to patients in this time!
She couldn’t even name the ‘antibiotic’ she claimed doctors were using to good effect (azythromycin) in her clinics. Anyone who’s been even midly keeping up to date with COVID-19 would know about this drug – the president tweeted it for god’s sake – how she doesn’t know is beyond me. I bet she couldn’t point out its purported mechanism of action (it’s not given simply because it’s an antibiotic for sure).

Instead of bringing ‘her fears’ to the attention of medical facilities and hospitals (who would back the hospital, as it followed all the knowledge that was current to that point, and possibly label her a fraud from watching this interview), she’s gone ahead and decided to pen a book (which she’s selling for $26), start a GoFundMe, and appear on Fox News multiple times.

Erin Marie Olszewski is trying to profit off of misinformation. It’s harder to explain these things clearly to the public, which is why I went in depth to debunk this woman who claims to be speaking out for patients, but never even asked higher ups or supervisors why these things were happening while she was there (or even afterwards, instead, she wrote a book).

She’s vile. And she’s not alone. Many ‘doctors’ and gifters are popping up as ‘heroes’ because they’re ‘exposing’ various crazy conspiracy theories about COVID-19.

Don’t fall for their tricks.